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& Adoniram Judson, Jr. Mission and Ministries Center
10560 Airline Highway ~ Baton Rouge, LA 70816
Phone: (225) 296-3943

Dear BAGBR Churches,  

2 Samuel 10: 6 “Now when the sons of Ammon saw that they had become odious to David…”


There is a high price to pay for pride!  Hanun had received bad counsel concerning the emissaries sent from David at the death of his father.  David had been befriended by Hanun’s father, and he was only seeking to express his grief for his loss.  Hanun’s princes told him that David had ulterior motives and instead of expressing grief, David was seeking to discover their weaknesses to overthrow the Ammonites. Wrong! He humiliated David’s emissaries and when Hanun realized that he had misread David’s intentions, instead of humbling himself and seeking forgiveness, he sought to justify his actions by making war with David! Wrong, again!  What happened? The armies that fought against David were thoroughly defeated, but at the end they made peace with David, only after the great loss of many soldiers from Hanun’s army.  Had he been willing to admit wrong and seek forgiveness, all this sorrow and humiliation and death could have been avoided.  


Pride is so destructive in our lives when we refuse to admit wrong, ask forgiveness, and show a willingness to humble ourselves before others, not exalt ourselves.  Hanun refused to humble himself before David because he refused to humble himself before the Lord.  If we walk in humility before the Lord, we have a much higher sensitivity and awareness of destructive pride.  When we operate in pride, it will cause destruction in relationships, and depending on the circumstances, could result in great sorrow and loss.  As believers we all battle with pride. Only by submitting to God and humbling ourselves before Him can we hope to break the grip of this destructive attitude.  Somehow, we think that if we are proud, we are showing strength, but in reality, it reveals our weakness in our relationship with God. God rejects the proud but gives grace to the humble. God’s grace in our life will spare us disgrace!

In  Christ,
Tommy Middleton

Read more about Dr. Middleton >

* Baptist Association of Greater Baton Rouge
*Disaster Relief
*Seafarer Ministry

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The Baptist Association's Mission


The Baptist Association of Greater Baton Rouge has as its present mission (A) to establish new relationships between both the churches and pastors; (B) to strengthen existing relationships of the churches and members through a commitment to a vision for kingdom growth that is larger than the local church. This commitment can be evaluated by the degree to which the local church members will penetrate their community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through family and community orientation and social involvement that exemplifies the caring and sharing nature of Jesus Christ.


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The Baptist Association of Greater Baton Rouge
10560 Airline Highway ~ Baton Rouge, LA 70816
Phone: (225) 296-3943

Email: office@bagbr.org

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