2 Kings
23: 2-3 "The king (Josiah)
went up to the house of the
Lord...men of
and prophets...read in their
hearing all the words...The
King stood by the pillar and
made a covenant before the
realized that what he heard
and how it affected him
needed to be read before all
of Israel. His telling
them what he heard and
thought, did not compare to
their hearing for themselves
what the Word said. It
is one thing to tell people
something, but it is quite
another for them to hear it
firsthand from the Word, and
allowing it to course
through their minds and
hearts, having its full
impact on their lives.
Once Josiah heard these
words of God, he personally
entered into a covenant with
God to bring his life in
line with God's word. And as
a result, all of the people
did the same.
we never filter out the
truth of God to our people
by merely telling them what
we heard, but rather,
allowing the "Word" to speak
for itself, unfiltered!
If we are faithful to give
the Word to our people in an
unfiltered way, then that
means we are also willing to
listen and respond to the
Word in an unfiltered way.
When we do, we are stirred
and brought under
conviction. Then, people
realize that our response is
not some religious act but
rather the right response to
the Word of God--the only
response that we should have
to the Word of God. We
lead by example. And
in this case, all the people
followed his lead.
What then followed, would be
a season of unprecedented
awakening and turning back
to God. For the next
15 years Judah would
experience the blessing of
God and the presence of God
that had been missing since
before the time of the
Judges to the time of Joshua
(vv. 21-23). For that
brief window of time, God
brought a fresh wind of
revival as He used Josiah to
usher in a spiritual
reprieve. During this
time Jeremiah was the chief
prophet of the Lord
(Jeremiah 1: 1).
Do we
sometimes wonder if we
have gone too far away from
God, is it too late for an
awakening in our country?
Would God be so kind as to
allow us a taste of
Heaven-sent, earth-shaking
revival? God did this
for Judah even after the
most wicked of the kings of
Judah (Manasseh). Although
it would not be sustainable
after Josiah's death, it was
real and marvelous! Can we
not believe that God can do
it again? Would we be
willing, willing to meet
God's demands on our lives
personally and corporately?
Will you join me in praying
the prayer of the
Psalmist...again? "Will YOU
not Yourself revive us
again, that Your people may
rejoice in You?" (Psalm 85: