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& Adoniram Judson, Jr. Mission and Ministries Center
10560 Airline Highway ~ Baton Rouge, LA 70816
Phone: (225) 296-3943

Dear BAGBR Churches,  

Judges 8: 27 “Gideon made it into an ephod…so that it became a snare to Gideon and his household.”  

When his great victory over the Midianites was completed, the only tribute that Gideon received was earrings and medallions from each person that he in turn melted down and had fashioned into some sort of idol/image. After all that God had done with him, for him, and through him, WHY would he then make an image that was in absolute contradiction to the law and his faith? There is no explanation given but only the statement that this became a snare to Gideon and his household. A man so greatly used by God stumbled almost immediately after his great triumph, and this would be a problem for his household and eventually undermine his legacy in all of Israel.

Did his success go to his head or his heart?  Was this image an attempt to establish something that memorialized “his” accomplishments, a trophy of his success? Is it possible that if we attempt to celebrate too much over our successes that we make our celebration more about ourselves, seeking our glory and not His? How we respond to God’s blessing and our successes may reveal that we are actually striving to make it more about us than Christ. We must guard our hearts in all things, successes and failures, and seek to glorify and honor Him. We must earnestly strive—to “not” build, boast, or fashion things that could ultimately become a snare to us and our children.  

Gideon is not the only spiritual hero who has made foolish decisions in the aftermath of a great victory from the Lord, nor was he the last.  Guard your heart in the victories of faith so your legacy of faith does not become a snare but a blessing.

In  Christ,
Tommy Middleton

Read more about Dr. Middleton >

* Baptist Association of Greater Baton Rouge
*Disaster Relief
*Seafarer Ministry

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The Baptist Association's Mission


The Baptist Association of Greater Baton Rouge has as its present mission (A) to establish new relationships between both the churches and pastors; (B) to strengthen existing relationships of the churches and members through a commitment to a vision for kingdom growth that is larger than the local church. This commitment can be evaluated by the degree to which the local church members will penetrate their community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through family and community orientation and social involvement that exemplifies the caring and sharing nature of Jesus Christ.


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The Baptist Association of Greater Baton Rouge
10560 Airline Highway ~ Baton Rouge, LA 70816
Phone: (225) 296-3943

Email: office@bagbr.org

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