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BAGBR Christmas Open House - Pastors, Staff, & Spouses

December 10, 2024, 8:30 AM-1:30 PM

BAGBR, 10560 Airline Highway, Baton Rouge

& Adoniram Judson, Jr. Mission and Ministries Center
10560 Airline Highway ~ Baton Rouge, LA 70816
Phone: (225) 296-3943

Dear BAGBR Churches,

Exodus 33: 21 “…there is a place by Me, and you shall stand there on the rock.”  

Moses requested to see God’s glory, but what would that mean?  Glory was the weightiness or the fullness of God, and Moses or any other human being could not experience that and live.  The sheer holiness of God would strike Moses with such conviction that he would be overwhelmed.  And yet, He did tell Moses there is a place to stand “by ME” on the rock.  God provides a place for us to stand in order to know Him intimately, personally, and to still live.  

Paul desired to know Him intimately (Philippians 3: 10). Being able to know God, to see His glory, as Moses or Paul did was not for the purpose of having some spectacular vision or emotionally charged experience.  Moses’ desire was more related to a “knowing” that would enable him to lead Israel to the promised land.  He had just experienced the golden calf debacle, and it was obvious he was attempting to lead an obstinate people (v. 3).  His desire for God’s glory was intensified by the realization that his ability and strength were inadequate, and apart from God, he could do nothing and would failure miserably.

Even today, we sing songs about desiring for God to show us His glory, but what are asking for?  Most of the time I think we are only repeating words from this text with NO idea of what we are really asking for.  Moses’ request was rooted in the realization of his own weakness and spiritual inadequacy and needing God’s power, wisdom, and courage to obey and to lead His people. These words were spoken in brokenness and humility, not in a spirit of boastfulness and curiosity.  God desires to show us His glory but only on His terms, not ours. And when He does, it is a time of great humility for us.  God is not reluctant to reveal to us His glory. The truth be known, most do not really want to see His glory—because we are more interested in having our own glory.  To see and know the glory of God is not found on the stage but in one’s closet in brokenness and surrender to Him.

In  Christ,
Tommy Middleton

Read more about Dr. Middleton >



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2024 BAGBR  Event - BAGBR Office

BAGBR Open House - Pastors and Staff
December 10, 2024 - 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM


* Baptist Association of Greater Baton Rouge
*Disaster Relief
*Seafarer Ministry

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The Baptist Association's Mission


The Baptist Association of Greater Baton Rouge has as its present mission (A) to establish new relationships between both the churches and pastors; (B) to strengthen existing relationships of the churches and members through a commitment to a vision for kingdom growth that is larger than the local church. This commitment can be evaluated by the degree to which the local church members will penetrate their community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through family and community orientation and social involvement that exemplifies the caring and sharing nature of Jesus Christ.


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The Baptist Association of Greater Baton Rouge
10560 Airline Highway ~ Baton Rouge, LA 70816
Phone: (225) 296-3943

Email: office@bagbr.org

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